Mercy Pedaler Gale Filter shares experience at US-Mexico Border

Mercy Pedaler Gale Filter shares experience at US-Mexico Border

I recently returned from an Encounter Church mission to Tijuana. On three separate occasions I spent time at the Caravan migrant camp. Here is the KCRA video on my experience.  

Hope, Humanity & Housing: Sacramento Mercy Pedalers deliver simple solutions

Mercy Pedalers began one year ago. In that time the nonprofit has grown into more than 50 volunteers. The nonprofit’s founder, Sister Libby Fernandez, has spent the past quarter century helping those surviving with very little in Sacramento. Sister Libby led Loaves and Fishes before […]

Where it is ok to talk trash

The Mercy Pedalers’ mission is a simple one:  to be present by reaching out to men and women experiencing homelessness on the streets.   It is all about making relationships.  As Sister Libby says,  “When you can meet someone eye-to-eye, they feel like they’re worthy. […]

Mercy on Wheels

Mercy Pedalers will celebrate our first anniversary on September 14th, 6-8:30 PM at Uptown Studios, 2415 23rd Street.  Tickets $15.  Join us! See Sacramento News & Review article at

Cruel Injustices

This is the final article in my three-part series, “Sacramento’s homeless: the hard times, mean streets and cruel injustices,”  I am a Mercy Pedaler who knows a lot about street crime and justice.  Prior to retirement, I was a prosecutor and former Deputy Executive Director […]

Hard Times, Mean Streets and Cruel Injustices

This is the second part of a three-part series on Sacramento’s homeless: the hard times, mean streets and cruel injustices they endure.  I am a Mercy Pedaler who knows a lot about street crime and justice.  Prior to retirement, I was a prosecutor and former […]

Rivers of Shame

In April of this year, the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board reported that Tiscornia Beach, at the confluence of the American and Sacramento rivers near Discovery Park, recorded E. coli levels that were seven times (7X) the threshold set by the United States […]

Hard Times, Mean Streets and Cruel Injustices

  This is a three-part series on Sacramento’s homeless: the hard times, mean streets and cruel injustices they endure.  I am a Mercy Pedaler who knows a lot about street crime and justice.  Prior to retirement, I was a prosecutor and former Deputy Executive Director […]

Meet Mercy Pedaler Dave Hosseini

Dave was raised in New Jersey, went to Bethany College in West Virginia, and is now a three-wheel Mercy Pedaler.  He is retired from a  30 year career in mental health direct service, administration and advocacy for several local and statewide organizations. Twice a week Dave […]

Meet Mercy Pedaler Michael Saeltzer

Mercy Pedaler Michael Saeltzer is featured in Sacramento’s Inside (May 2018)  See the attached:  “Bike or Trike: Mercy Pedalers Provide Supplies and Compassion to the Homeless.”