Mercy Pedalers is a “volunteered-based” ministry. There are no paid employees. Sister Libby Fernandez, Director and Founder, oversees the day to day operations working side by side with all of the volunteers.
Volunteers are the “backbone” of the ministry providing gifts, time and talents in various aspects. “Many hands make light work” (John Heywood, c1547).
A Mercy Pedaler
You must provide your own bike, trike, helmet, carrier or basket and commit to at least one shift per week. Shifts are 2-Hours from 7 am to 7 pm (dawn to dusk only), 7 days a week.
You must complete the Volunteer Application and sign the Release of Liability Waiver Form.
Finance Committee
Meets once a month to help fund the ministry through private donations, grants, and fundraising events
In-Kind Donations Committee
Meets once a month to solicit donations (coffee, bottled water, hygiene items, snacks, etc.) from individuals, stores, companies.
Webpage, Social Media, Communications
Meets as needed