Rocky, unclean hands. Rocky is one of the “river people,” the ever-growing number of homeless that camp along the American and Sacramento Rivers. Every Saturday morning Encounter Church and Mercy Pedalers partner on providing breakfast and resources to our homeless neighbors that camp along the Sacramento River. A week ago Rocky attended Encounter’s Sunday service and also had the opportunity to shower. It was the first time Rocky showered in more than 6 months. California is the first state in the nation to legislatively recognize the HUMAN RIGHT to water. Water Code section 106.3 states that “EVERY human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water adequate for human consumption, cooking, and sanitary purposes.” Most of us wouldn’t think of eating without first washing our hands. Yet, for Rocky and many of our homeless neighbors there is no accessible drinking water, no restrooms and no place to bathe or even wash their hands. In a state with the world’s 5th largest economy and vast amounts of wealth, one might ask, “Who has the unclean hands?”